Thursday, May 17, 2007

Touch-Up Painting is a 12-Man Job

My office is having some remodeling done and, this month, they have been working on touching up the paint on the walls. Our walls are a relatively dark color, so everytime there is a hole or dent in the wall, the white drywall underneath is exposed. Needless to say, our walls have taken a beating. In my office alone, there are 16 places that need to be touched up.

A few weeks ago, the spackling guys came around. Yes, guys, as in plural. One guy followed one of the secretaries around while she pointed out spots that needed to be spackled. Another guy followed the first guy around with the spackle and the spackle-tool. When the secretary pointed at the spot, the first guy would point at the spot and say, "right there" to the spackle guy. The spackle guy would then spackle the hole.

Silly me, I assumed they would be back the next day to paint (isn't that what you do after you spackle?), so I removed all of my pictures from the walls and moved my furniture away from the walls.

It is now two weeks later. We finally have progress. Today, the sanding guys came around. Yes, guys, as in plural. The first guy walked around and pointed to the white spackle on the dark walls and said, "right there" to the other guy. The other guy sanded the spackle spot. At least they didn't need a personal escort this time.

Silly me, I assumed these were the painters and asked them if they would be back tomorrow to paint. "Nope" the first guy said, "That's somebody else's job." So, my furniture is still in the middle of the room, but now it is covered with spackle dust, awaiting the "painter guys" who might arrive some time this summer.

I don't know about you, but I could have had this done in a weekend. By myself, no pointer-person necessary. And I don't even know the name for the spackle-tool.

The really scary thing? We are having the carpet replaced too.


Anonymous said...

If you weren't throwing things at the walls in the first place you wouldn't have holes in them.

Question: What are you going to do if they decide it requites two coats?

Ms. PH said...

I only throw things when clients piss me off, so it is justified.

If it requires two coats, I am going to keep counting the number of men needed to complete the project. And put up another post!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much it pays to be the "pointer guy?" I think I'd be quite skilled at it. I'll have to add that to my resume "quality hand gestures" and a "keen eye for wall imperfections."

Anonymous said...

If I had groups of women having to come into my office every few weeks, I sure wouldn't be complaining.

Ms. PH said...

I think it must pay pretty well because the two pointer guys were older, more experienced, possibly the bosses that day. So, I think you have to work your way up to pointer guy. Until then, you are just spackle guy or sander guy.

PI - I think you would mind if the women coming to your office looked anything like these guys. It's not like they fell off the pages of GQ.

Anonymous said...

I believe that's called "Union Labor".

Anonymous said...

Cory, I was going to say that, but considering she links to Air America, I thought she'd bite my head off.