Friday, April 4, 2008

I’m Funny, But Not That Funny

I just got a phone call from my brother, which is weird enough in and of itself. He’s never been a phone kind of person. However, the subject of our conversation was even weirder. Here it is:

Brother: Hey, I have a question for you.

Me: OK, what’s up? (Thinking it would probably be a parenting question)

Brother: I was trying to remember this joke you made once.

Me: Well, you know . . . I make a lot of jokes.

Brother: Oh, yeah, but this one was really funny. It was about specific heat capacity and Junior Mints.*

Me: I told a joke about specific heat capacity and Junior Mints? When was this? I mean, was it recently, because I’m pretty sure I would remember it if it had been recently.

Brother: Well, it was when I was in high school and you were in college.

Me: You mean, like 15 years ago?

Brother: Well . . . yeah.

Me: You are calling to ask me about a joke I made 15 years ago?

Brother: But it was really funny!! I remember giggling about it forever!

Me: You know . . . I can’t even think of something funny to say about specific heat capacity or Junior Mints right now. I seriously don’t remember what would have been funny about them 15 years ago.

Brother: Oh, come on! It was hilarious! We both laughed forever!

Me: Listen, now that I think about it, don’t you think it is more likely you told a joke about specific heat capacity and Junior Mints? I mean, you are more likely to be funny about scientific theories than I am. My humor tends toward the snarky, sarcastic, making-fun-of-people, stupidity-of-others genre.

Brother: No really . . . I think it has something to do with you dropping a Junior Mint in your boyfriend’s lap or something.

Me: Are you sure you are not thinking of that episode of Seinfeld where Kramer drops the Junior Mint?

Brother: What’s Seinfeld?

Me: Nevermind - it’s a TV show. Anyway, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me.

Brother: Will you call me if you remember?

Me: Yeah, sure. Did you call Papa today?

Brother: No. Do you think he will remember the joke?

Me: No. Seriously, if I actually told that joke, I sincerely doubt I told it to our father and he remembers it 15 years later. No. Did you call him because it is his birthday today?

Brother: Oh, shit. I better do that.

Me: Yeah.

*I created this link to the Wikipedia article about Junior Mints because it was interesting, not because I think people don't know what Junior Mints are.


Anonymous said...

How does he not know what Seinfeld is?!?

snicketmom said...

If either of you thinks of the joke, you should let us know. Maybe you should have created a link to "Seinfeld" for people who don't know what "Seinfeld" is.

Anonymous said...

I honestly can't think of anything humorous regarding specific heat of ANYTHING, let alone Junior Mints. You must be one witty gal! :)

Jennifer said...

Hey, in high school I once made a great cold fusion joke. Too bad (at my advanced age) I just can't remember it...

(Did he say if it was a dirty joke?)