Friday, December 26, 2008

And Now, a Report From Our Man Down Under

While reading my parents' local newspaper this morning, I saw the headline, "More Holiday Time Leads to More Sex." Intrigued, I read on. Apparently, in the modern age, people have more sex during Christmas and New Years. To assist in this important article, the author contacted a spokesperson from Trojan. His name is David Johnson.

In addition to Christmas and New Years, the spokesperson added:

"The long July Fourth, Memorial Day, and Labor Day weekends also produce spikes in condom sales, Trojan's Johnson said."

That's what he said.


Katie said...

LOL! Nice...

Rixblix said...

That's awesome! Do you suppose his editor caught it but just left it because it was funny?

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm sure you had to reread that a few times to make sure your eyes weren't playing tricks on you.

Anonymous said...

Laura, going blind happens from something else.