Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Do You Want to Play a Game? (Updated with hints)

It is a dreary day and I thought we all needed a little humor today. So, see if you can name the movies these quotes came from. I borrowed this from myself on Facebook. If you played my movie game on Facebook, you are only allowed to answer the last five because the first 15 are identical to my Facebook ones. Bonus points if you know where the title came from.

(1) ______________________.
HINT: The men talking are Martin Lawrence and one of the Wilson brothers.
First guy: "Don't you ever get all up on this thing?"
Second guy: "I don't think I've ever gotten all up on anything, sir."

(2) ______________________.
HINT: Shroomin' in Vegas.
First guy: "Did you know there's a guy whose sole job is to find chairs for these hotel rooms?"
Second guy: "Please take the chairs away!"
First guy: "Like this one! It's red with gold stripes and - oh, this one is amazing!"
Second guy: "Please take the chairs away. I don't like them. The big one is staring at me and that short one is being very droll."

(3) ______________________.
HINT: When is it OK for a liberal to kill someone?
"People disappear all the time. Especially in Iowa. We probably saved him from an alien abduction."

(4) _______________________.
HINT: Together they make the perfect woman.
First girl: "If I was a guy, I think women would like . . . line up to go out with me. I'm smart. I have a good sense of humor. I make a great living."
Second girl: "I'd fuck you."
First girl: "Thank you, honey. I know you would."

(5) _______________________.
HINT: Candy bar villians and Leonardo DaVinci
"I feel like a dolphin who's never tasted melted snow. What does the color blue taste like? Bobo knows? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I must speak with the dolphins now. Eeeee-eeee-eee-eeeeeee!"

(6) _______________________.
HINT: Hooters . . . Hooters . . . HOOTERS!
"Did she say we were doing laundry? Because where I come from, it's called 'doing the hibbidy-dibbidy.'"

(7) _______________________.
HINT: Star Trek fans probably have no love for this movie.
"Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"

(8) Old School (Tom)
"Alright, let me be the first to say congratulations to you then. You get one vagina for the rest of your life. Real smart Frank. Way to work it through."

(9) Dodgeball (Tom)
HINT: If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a dodgeball.
Guy: "Are you okay?"
Girl: "I'm fine. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit."
Guy: "In some cultures, they only eat vomit. I never been there, but I read about it . . . in a book."

(10) Men in Black (Christine)
"Gentlemen, congratulations. You're everything we've come to expect from years of government training."

(11) Legally Blonde (Brauner)
"Do you think she woke up one morning and said: I think I'll go to law school today?"

(12) Notting Hill (Diane)
"After all . . . I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her. "

(13) Johnny Dangerously (Christine)
"I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of the panel: You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes . . . like yourselves."

(14) The Princess Bride (Christine)
"Have fun storming the castle!"

(15) The Sound of Music (Vanilla Bean Counter)
HINT: Doe a deer, a female deer . . .
First woman: "And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things - anything and everything I think and feel."
Second woman: "Some people would call that honesty."
First woman: "Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother."

(16) In Bruges (Katie)
HINT: Two hitmen hide in a hideaway place and it doesn't go well.
First man: "How'd your date go?"
Second man: "My date involved two instances of extreme violence, one instance of her hand on my cock and my finger up her thing which lasted all too briefly, one instance of me stealing five grams of very high-quality cocaine and one instance of me blinding a poofy little skinhead: so all in all . . . my evening pretty much balanced out fine."

(17) Pretty in Pink (Tom)
HINT: Blaine, Andi, and Ducky.
"We don't have none of this stuff in the boy's room! Wait a minute! We don't got none of this . . . we don't got doors on the stalls in the boy's room, we don't have . . . what is this? What's this? We don't have a candy machine in the boy's room!"

(18) Breakfast at Tiffany's (Katie).
Man: "I love you."
Woman: "So what."
Man: "So what? So plenty! I love you, you belong to me!"
Woman: "No. People don't belong to people."
Man: "Of course they do!"
Woman: "I'll never let ANYBODY put me in a cage."
Man: "I don't want to put you in a cage, I want to love you!"

(19) The Breakfast Club (Christine)
"Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up? If he gets up . . . we'll all get up . . . it'll be anarchy!"

(20) When Harry Met Sally (Katie).
Man: "If you could take him back now, would you?"
Woman: "No. But why didn't he want to marry me? What's the matter with me?"
Man: "Nothing."
Woman: "I'm difficult."
Man: "You're challenging."
Woman: "I'm too structured, I'm completely closed off."
Man: "But in a good way."
Woman: "No, no, no, I drove him away. AND, I'm gonna be forty."
Man: "When?"
Woman: "Someday."
Man: "In eight years!"
Woman: "But it's there. It's just sitting there, like some big dead end."


Anonymous said...

I think I need to see more movies...I don't know any of them!

Katie said...

18 is Breakfast at Tiffany's
20 is When Harry Met Sally

Ms. PH said...

Thank you for playing, Katie! You got both of them!

Christine said...

10. Men in Black
13. Johnny Dangerously
14. The Princess Bride
19. The Breakfast Club

I was getting worried in the first ten - I suddenly realized I haven't really been to the theater since 1995. Unless you count kid movies. Which I don't.

Ms. PH said...

Christine is right on all 4. Unfortunately, Diane . . . it is not My Best Friend's Wedding. It is Julia Roberts, but wrong movie!

Ms. PH said...

Yes it is Notting Hill! That quote is funny because people always get the Julia Roberts thing right but never get the movie right!

Jacob said...

Is #9 from Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist?
And #11 - Legally Blonde?

...that's all I can come up with...

Ms. PH said...

11 is Legally Blonde.

9 is not Nick and Nora, but that movie had a lot of good lines too!

Anonymous said...

#8 is Old School
#9 Is Dodgeball


Vanilla Bean Counter said...

15 is The Sound of Music. I was leaning that way yesterday but was too chicken too guess. The hint seals it.

Katie said...

I could knock out most of them, but I can't play the first 15...sigh...

Katie said...

Is 16 In Bruges?

Anonymous said...

17 Pretty in Pink


Ms. PH said...

Tom - right on all
Bean Counter - right
Katie - it is In Bruges and go ahead and guess the rest of them!

Mama T said...

#2 Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
#4 Sex and The City.

Ms. PH said...

Nope, sorry Jaded! Wrong on both!

Mama T said...

Shucks! Oh well...apparently I need to be more current on the movie scene. I really need to get out more.