Monday, October 29, 2007

Why Is It?

Why is it that children always puke in the middle of the night, all over their beds, blankets, teddy bears, and walls?

Why is it that children are always able to rub vomit into their hair before you make it to their bedroom after hearing the vomiting in the middle of the night?

Why is it that children can easily and peacefully fall back to sleep after puking while parents lie in bed awake for two hours surging with the adrenaline of having just stripped a puke-covered child naked, given him a bath, cleaned the crib, floor, and walls, desparately searched for clean pajamas, mattress pad, and sheets, taken dirty items to the basement and started a load of laundry, then taken a shower because you feel like there is vomit all over you, and changed your pajamas?



Anonymous said...

My youngest son is what I call a silent puker. He would puke in the middle of the night and we wouldn't hear a thing. He would then wander down to the other end of his crib and go back to sleep. By morning he would be a disaster and we wouldn't have heard a peep. He is seven now and he still is a silent puker although now he pukes in the bathroom, thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

Twice my son has woken me in middle of the night by puking on my feet. Yes, why can he make it from his room to the foot of my bed, but not to the bathroom?
Ah... the mysteries of vomitus....

Anonymous said...

I glad I'm not the only one. What I love is they just keep puking and your doing laundry all night just try to keep up. Of course by morning they usually feel better and you got no sleep.