Monday, December 10, 2007

Non Sequitur

I had to go buy a new ice scraper today because I have broken two in the last week. (I am a very vigorous ice scraper, I guess.) While standing in line to purchase my new ice scraper at Lowes, I had the following exchange with the man behind me, who was buying a Christmas tree stand:

Man: You know anything about tree stands?

Me: Not really.

Man: You have your Christmas decorating done?

Me: Not yet.

Man: What?? Why not?

Me: Well, because it is only December 10th and I don’t want to spend the next two weeks saying, "Don’t touch the tree, don’t touch the tree, don’t touch the tree" to my one year old.

Man: (laughing) Yeah, my momma was like that . . . she was a real Republican through and through.

Me: Umm . . . well . . . I’m not a Republican . . . .

Man: Oh, no, me neither - I’m a Democrat.

For the life of me, I can’t figure out what political affiliation has to do with putting up Christmas decorations. I mean, religious affiliation may have something to do with what kind of decorations one puts up, but the timing of decorating?

I’m stumped. Anyone?


JennyWo said...

Maybe he thinks Republicans are very rigid?..or..well, yeah that was just an odd statement. Who knows what he meant. Next time, just say you're Jewish, and you just don't celebrate Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was trying to flirt with you and got tongue tied. Either that, or he just thinks Republicans are real strict.

Katie said...

I swear you end up in the weirdest conversations! :)

Jennifer said...

I'm in agreement with PI, maybe he thinks if his mom had been a Dem she wouldn't have been as uptight....