Whether she admits it or not, every woman carries a list around in her head - a checklist, that is, for evaluating men. I'm not talking about the is-he-marriage-material list. I'm talking about the would-I-ever-consider-dating-him list. These are two very distinct lists. Passing the preliminary pre-dating list gets a guy in the door. Passing the marriage-material list moves a guy into the house.
I'm sure every woman has her own variation on the factors on this list. But, I am willing to bet that most women have lists very similar to my own. A friend and I were recently discussing my list, and I got to thinking that it would be a good public service announcement to all men. Perhaps there are several of you out there who are not aware of the list. Well, here you go. Learn something.
(1) Age.
There is probably no specific age requirement when looking for men, but men around the same age tend to have similar interests and life experiences. Personally, I have dated older men and tend to be attracted to men who are older than I am. However, I am not looking for someone who is my father’s age. That just creeps me out a little bit. So, when I’m looking at someone’s age, I usually evaluating within the 25-45 age range.
(2) Height.
This is a big factor for me and for many women. With all due respect to short men, I just can’t see myself dating one. I’m 5’8" and I absolutely prefer someone who is taller than I am, even if just an inch or two. I think it’s sort of a girl thing - I don’t know many women who want to be perceived as bigger than their mates. Sorry, short guys . . . I just don’t want to feel like an Amazon.
(3) Hair.
This category covers a lot - hair on your head, hair on your face, eyebrows, and body hair. Of course, no uni-brows. And please - no trying to cover up baldness. If you are going bald or already bald, it’s just much sexier for you to be comfortable with it and not try to cover it up. A good haircut is a necessity. I’m not saying it has to be done by a fancy salon, but something that fits you and your face.
Facial hair also depends on the person. Some men can carry off facial hair; some can’t. Full scraggly beards scream "UNKEMPT!" Moustaches alone scream "COP!" Pencil thin line beards on men with fat faces scream, "I’M TRYING TO DEFINE MY NON-EXISTENT JAW LINE!" You are not fooling anyone, guys.
(4) Teeth.
Two basic requirements for teeth - clean and all present. If you are missing a tooth, get it fixed and come back later. If you are missing more than one tooth, I think you have other underlying problems that tell me to stay away from you. Straight teeth are also preferable, but as long as you aren’t a snaggletooth, you are probably fine. A subcategory here is good breath. If I’m evaluating you on my list, it means I might consider dating you. If I am considering dating you, I might consider kissing you. However, if you have bad breath, you are not getting through my initial evaluation.
(5) Clothes.
Price doesn’t matter. I frankly don’t care where you bought your clothes or how much you paid for them. What matters is whether they fit you well, indicate a personal style, and fit the situation we are currently in. I love a man in a well-fitted suit. However, if the suit has not been tailored to fit you specifically, you might as well be wearing a wife-beater and tighty-whities. Whatever you are wearing, it needs to fit the situation. Don’t wear dress slacks to a BBQ. Don’t wear a T-shirt to a nice restaurant. And, for god’s sake, don’t wear a tie with a short-sleeved dress shirt.
(6) Shoes.
Ah, men’s shoes. The shoes probably are the biggest factor to switch a guy from dateable to undateable. Again, they don’t need to be expensive. But they do need to be appropriate for the situation and your clothes. If you are wearing a suit, the shoes better be clean and polished. And, if you are wearing sandals, please evaluate your toes. Long toenails are really, really disgusting.
(7) Earrings and/or Tattoos.
Some guys can pull these off, some can’t. It all stems from knowing yourself. I love a well thought out and well placed tattoo. However, I’d think twice about a guy who has some other woman’s name tattooed anywhere on his body. Talk about the elephant in the room, jeez. Why not just invite the ex into bed?
Earrings are a general no-no unless you are rock-star famous. Same with other jewelry. Shiny bracelets or necklaces say "CRIMINAL" to me. Plastic watches are equally as bad - they say "I HAVEN’T STOPPED BEING THAT NERDY LITTLE BOY YET." Don’t get me wrong - nerdy men = kinda sexy. Nerdy little grown-up boys = sad. Pinky rings, well . . . need I say more?
(8) Car.
Again, the price and brand are not what most mature women are looking for in a guy’s car. In fact, if a guy has clearly spent an obnoxious amount of money on his car, it leaves a woman wondering where she will fall in the rankings and thinking it will probably be below the car. The car is evaluated for one thing - is this guy living within his means or trying to be something he’s not?
(9) Job.
First, it is important to have one. Second, remember that some women are not looking for men to support them, particularly women in their 30s. Us 30-somethings can support ourselves just fine, thank you. I make a pretty decent living and really don’t care whether you make more or less than I do. But, just like I don’t expect you to support me, I don’t expect to support you. (This changes, of course, when the relationship becomes a committed one, depending on each person’s circumstances. However, for the initial evaluation process, you’d better have yourself a job.)
(10) Eyes.
Sure, the way they physically look is important, but that’s not really what I look for. When I look at your eyes, I’m looking to see whether you make good eye contact with me. Listen, I deal with a lot of shady people, scam artists, and liars in my line of work. The one thing these people have in common? They won’t hold steady eye contact. Whether shifty-eye-ness stems from low self-esteem, criminal thinking, or general loserhood, it will get you booted off my list instantly.
Have I dated guys that don't meet all of the factors on my list? Sure. But after spending the last 20 years dating off and on, I've learned that this list can come in pretty handy.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
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Wow...I hadn't really ever realized it, but I am pretty sure that is exactly what I ticked through my head while out there dating. And it's similar to the one I think through to evaluate a friend's new guy. Very nice!
That's quite a list! Mr. Rix wouldn't have made it past #3. He tricked me, though, because I think I started dating him to freak my folks out.
It took me less than a year to get him to cut it off...and wow, even I wasn't prepared for the hottie under that hot mess of a hairdo! So, I'm glad you're willing to grant a little leeway here and there; some guys clean up real nice!
Love your list, although I don't mind an ear-ring. At my age, I don't have time to clean 'em up!
No ties with short-sleeved shirts?? You can't be serious! I know plenty of women who dig the old-school, NASA-mission-control-room look. :)
Gentlemen, failure is not an option. (Pass me my slide-rule, please.)
I noticed that on your list you didn't mention a brain.
That's a good question, Tom. I have explained in person to people that this is the first of three lists - this is the surface-10-second-evaluation list. It is often very hard to detect a good brain without talking to someone for some length of time. So, brain is at the top of my second list along with sense of humor, passion for life, sense of adventure, etc.
Of course, there are men that I have met where it becomes immediately apparent they don't have a good brain. But those men rarely make it past the first 10 steps.
Geez, that's quite a list. Let's see how I stack up.
1. Age. Pass
2. Height. Pass.
3. Hair. I'm not clear on what you are looking for here. Undecided.
4. Teeth. Present & accounted for. Pass.
5. Clothes. Undecided.
6. Shoes. I own three pair which covers all occasions. Dress shoes, tennis shoes (aka sneakers, not to be confused with the sport) and Golf shoes. I think I fail this one.
7. Earrings/Tattoos. None. Pass.
8. Car. I own one. Pass.
9. Job. I have one. Pass.
10. Eyes. Pass.
If I can pass, I think you need to toughen up your standards a bit.
OK, first PI, by your own admission, you didn't pass 3, 5, and 6. And whether someone passes is ultimately the woman's decision, not the guy's.
Second, this is just the "getting your foot in the door" step. This is whether I will even consider dating the guy. You have to have a whole lot more going for you than this list to get any further, at least with me.
And, not to point out the obvious, PI, but you fail even before you get to the list. You're married. The ring finger is the first thing any single woman checks on any man.
3 & 5 are inconclusive. I only admit to failing #6 which would give me a score of 90.
Of course I'm married. Did you think I was submitting an application here? I was only trying to help you out by evaluating your test, which I think is way too easy... unless you require passage of ALL 10 which would be unreasonable. A simple majority should only be required to pass, don't you think?
I didn't think you were submitting an application because, duh! I know you are married - I know your wife!
As I have gotten older, I would say that now all 10 must be passed. As Ramble said, I don't have time to clean a guy up anymore. The last thing I need is another project. I'm a girl who knows herself and is comfortable with who she is. I expect the same out of guy.
And, I would tease you about the 3 pairs of shoes, but I think a lot of guys only have 3 pairs of shoes. Of course, this is something most women don't understand . . . .
All 10? Geeeez. Good luck with that!
As far as shoes go, no-one needs more than three pairs. I'd knock it down to two, but occasionally I attend a fancy shindig which requires me to dress in something nicer than a golf shirt.
What about education, Ms. PH? You have a post-graduate education. Is being a college graduate an expectation?
Yes, conrad, but that is on the second list as well. You also cannot tell whether someone has a college education just by looking at them or a brief conversation. As I keep saying, this is the initial evaluation, all of the major issues come up in the second list.
(Although I will say that the fact of a college degree is not an absolute deal breaker. I have met many people without college degrees who are wonderful, well-read, and intelligent people who I would date in a heartbeat. I have also met a lot of college or graduate educated people who are assholes.)
surprised character is so high on the list.
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