Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Where Oh Where . . .

Has my creativity gone? Maybe it is the cold weather, or the busy season, or the weird sickness I had before Christmas, but my blogging creativity has gone down the drain. I don't think I have an anti-muse like someone else does, but I'm not quite at my top blogging fitness level. Maybe that's what I should have put on my Christmas list instead of a new iPod Nano. Too late . . . and I really like my new iPod.

Anyway, here I am again stealing a blogging idea from another blogger. I figure it is OK since (1) she stole it too, (2) I think she's awesome and probably one of the best additions to the blogosphere this year, and (3) the ethics police don't seem to patrol the blogosphere in Peoria, at least judging from the viral outbreak of anonymous assholes commenting lately. So, I am safe.

I digress. Best get on with my unimaginative blogging, the last one of the year. 2008 is quickly coming to an end. So tell us exactly what happened in this unfor​gettable year.

How old did you turn? 37. Yikes. But, with that 37, I have to learn not to focus on the number but on how old I feel. I don't feel 37 and, if I do say so myself, I don't think I look 37. Well, maybe in the morning . . . but that doesn't count.

What school did you go to? None, thank god. I'm done with school. Never going to school again. I think the only school I was in this year was my kids' preschool.

Tell us about something good that happened: Oh, so many good things happened this year. My girl came back to live with me, I finally paid off all of my credit card debt left over from law school and before, I gained another nephew, I won a few cases, my grandfather turned 90, my parents celebrated their 40th Anniversary, and too much more to discuss here.

Did you change much? I'm sure I did. Anyone who doesn't experience even the tiniest changes everyday has stopped living a fulfilling life. I'd like to think I changed for the better, but who knows?

Are you happy with who you have become? Absolutely.

Tell us a song you were hooked on: Just in the last two weeks or so, I cannot stop listening to "All I Want Is You" which is the first song on the soundtrack from the movie Juno. It has a folksy sing-a-long quality that makes me smile. Plus, I can listen to it with kids in the car, which has an added benefit.

Did you go to the beach? Not technically, although I was on the beach of Puget Sound, but since it was October, it wasn't really beachy.

Did you get really dressed up for anything? For something special? Probably . . . I don't really remember. Nothing formal or anything.

Tell us a funny thing that happened? I think the highlights of my funny year were probably chronicled on this blog and include: my failures as a mommy, throwing my underwear around in public, being called a crook by my child, making up the song "Bubble Got Back", my son peeing on my head, learning that my nephew sleeps with a rice cooker, and various adventures in cooking, pet ownership, and motherhood.

Tell us the saddest thing that happened? I don't like to dwell on it, but the thing that happened in February, the thing that happened in March, and the thing that happened in October. Those are the three things that made me question my sanity and my happiness this year.

What are your plans for New Year? For the first time, I am having a party at my house. Actually, I should be preparing for it rather than writing this post.

What are you most looking forward to next year? The adventure is not knowing. Something in particular is going very well right now and I'm excited to see what happens next year with it.

Tell us something you plan on changing for next year? My kitchen. It has got to go. I didn't have the financial reserves to do it this year, but I am going to do it next year.

Think back to the beginning of the year and now think of now what’s different: I think the most significant difference between the beginning of the year and now is that I am no longer single. There are other differences, but that one is pretty big for me.

Are you happy with what happened this year? Overall, yes. I would love to be able to change some things, but they are things I can't change, so yes.

Was 2008 your best year? Probably not. It was a really stressful year. I'd like to hope my best year is always in the future. (Good lord . . . when did I become this non-cynical? I used to be such a pissy bitch. Must be the old age.)


Jk said...

I think I found the problem with the PDC blog feed - should be fixed in an hour or two. --Joe

Emerge Peoria said...

I have actually been able to pin point my malady on post election let down. All the fun stuff ended when they put Barbie on ice up in Alaska. Oh well, 2009 should be a veritable gold mine.

Here's to 2009!

Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

Thanks for the compliment! Glad I could help feed the creativity even if it was from a stolen survey! : ) I love the Juno Soundtrack too!!! That guy that orginally sung All I Want Is You is a children's song writer from back in the 70s he is pretty cool in a sick twisted kind of way so of course I love him : ) Have a great New Year's!!

Katie said...

As a friend that has been witness to everything you have gone through this year (good and bad), I have to say that I am in awe of how strong and wonderful you are!

Rixblix said...

What Katie said....

Jennifer said...

Yes, you have definitely had a rough year, but you've been good spirited and wonderful despite it all. I think it's a testament to your strength, because I think I would have curled up in bed and maybe not gotten up for about six months!