Monday, February 23, 2009

Next Step - That Book Deal

Last week, I got an email from a nice person saying she would like to quote my blog on her blog, Blogtations. I was honored and thrilled. Finally, I thought . . . someone has recognized my genius!

Of course, I can never be completely gracious about accepting a compliment and was just a teeny-weeny bit disappointed she picked one about potty training. Surely, I have been brilliant about something cooler than potty training . . . right?

I mean, I'm sure when Al Capone got busted for tax evasion, he thought to himself, "Of all the brilliant and dastardly criminal acts I have committed, they get me on tax evasion??"

I would also like to give a shout out to Sarah over at Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures, because she got quoted first and her blog directed Blogations to my blog. Thanks Sarah!!

Anyway, I am honored and I am sure the publishing house is my next email, other than the hate-emails I get from anonymous people who think I am a bad mother. Here is the link to my specific quote.


LoisW said...

Congratulations!! I am waaaay jealous!

Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

That is a great quote PH Congrats! Grownups sooo should get M&Ms when we poop. Life just isnt fair.

Cameron said...

Better than a kick in the ass, right? Congratulations!!

Jennifer said...

Amazingly I don't get bad mother comments. Despite all those posts about beating my kids. (Is it sad that I feel compelled to write "Just joking!" just in case someone thinks I'm being serious?)