Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Two Years Ago Today

I started this blog. So much has changed in the past two years, I can't begin to think about it. What I do know is that I haven't been as active a blogger in 2009 as I have been in the other years. There are probably several reasons for this and I was thinking about them this morning. Work, kids, life, etc.

However, if I chart my blogging activity over the last 24 months, there is one thing that stands out. When this thing started, my blogging became much more infrequent and random. No, I didn't have a stroke. Or a religious epiphany. Or anything like that. But it was a big thing for me . . . I changed my status from single to "in a relationship."

I think I was using this blog as a substitute for a intimate relationship.

Now stop it, those of you with dirty minds. I wasn't doing anything weird like THAT. Good grief. But the time I otherwise spent with my blog, I now spend with my boyfriend.


I can't believe I just said that. I just threw up in my mouth a little. Am I that girl? I've spent a good portion of my life NOT being that girl. But really, how happy was I being that girl?

OK. I was fairly happy, some of the time. Nothing that compares to the happiness I have now, but I was doing fairly well.

Anyway, I'm not going anywhere. I mean, as a blogger. I'll still pop in once and awhile, just like always. I'll probably make a few rude comments here and there. I'm sure I'll hijack someone else's less-than-interesting story with my own much funnier story. (Now back to MY story . . . .)

Oh . . . and here's a thought. If people use their blogs as a substitute for an intimate relationship, what does that say about the bloggers who post multiple times a day?

Do you know you can go blind from that?


Jennifer said...

Shit, no wonder I have these thick glasses.

When I started reading I was really worried you were going to bow out of blogging, so glad to hear that you are not!

Themis said...

Well if you'd quit kicking everyone's ass, including your own, in mahjong! I thought that was what was taking up your blogging time, not the relationship. LOL

Laura Petelle said...

"(Now back to MY story . . . .)"

I believe you owe me a monitor due to splorting.

Ms. PH said...

Jennifer - No, I don't think I will ever quit entirely, mostly because as soon as a blogger calls it quits, they start blogging more than ever!

Themis - One of my very few talents is kicking my own ass.

Eyebrows - I have no idea what you are talking about. What is splorting?

Cameron said...

I'd use my blog for intimacy, but I hate trying to clean the keyboard afterwords.

LoisW said...

Brilliant post! I'm looking forward to reading your blog for the next two years! Happy Anniversary!

I think I may have to try the multiple blogging thing.... yep, definitely going to try that!

Rix said...

"PH and boyfriend sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G...."