Friday, June 8, 2007

High Winds Stir Up Local Dirty Old Men

Yesterday, a friend and I were discussing my poor decision to wear a knee-length skirt on such a windy day.

As I was walking back to my office after lunch, I turned a corner and saw a man about my dad's age walking in front of me. Just then, a big gust of wind came up and he turned around to shield his eyes. (I was too busy holding down my skirt to bother shielding my eyes.) He looked at me and stopped. As I was passing him, he looked down at my skirt and said, "Mighty windy today!" I laughed and said yes but kept walking. He stood in the same spot until I passed him and then began to follow me down the street. I am sure he was waiting for another gust of wind to blow my skirt up. Nice. Thankfully, I made it back to my office without disgracing myself.

Oh, but he wasn't the only one - they seemed to be out en masse yesterday. Last night, I read this comment from Bill Dennis on one of my posts.


Anonymous said...

I don't consider myself to be dirty or old, but I can always appreciate the sight of a beautiful woman :)

Randall said...

I agree. Women love to wear clothes and some show off their legs. What is wrong with looking?

Also, myself being an older guy, well middle aged, what ever happened to nylons? Really, some women need to wear them as their legs need an improvement. But hey who am I to point a finger?

Ms. PH said...

First, I don't think it was my legs he was trying to see.

Second, "what ever happened to nylons?" Why don't you wear nylons for nine hours on a 90 degree day and see how comfortable it is. After that, you will have the answer.

Anonymous said...

One of the greatest joys in men's lives are unexpected opportunities to check out women. A skirt being blown up by the wind, a thong revealed by a woman crouching down, a glimpse of cleavage when bending over or a semi-sheer blouse showing what color bra is being worn can make a man's day. These are the little surprises that make life worth living, don't begrudge us these.