Friday, July 20, 2007

A Blonde Moment

July is usually a pretty slow month in my office. The Supreme Court is not in session, the Court of Appeals doesn't hear many cases, and we aren't yet feeling the August-end-of-summer push to get cases done. So, I get a little bored and find ways to distract myself. This week, I have been distracting myself by checking out all of the interesting information about my blog compiled on my sitemeter.

I like to look at how many visitors I have had, how long they stay, when they log on, where they go when they leave, and how this changes by day and week. Perhaps the most interesting is the world map of my visitors. Of course, most come from the Peoria area, but I get a few from all over the United States and one or two from foreign countries.

So, I'm starting to notice some interesting trends, but then I noticed one particular person was always on my site. Everytime I looked, this person was on and sometimes had been on for quite some time! When I checked out the details, I found out this person's location was Virginia. Then I started to get paranoid. Who could it be? I have an ex-boyfriend in Virginia, but I haven't talked to him for years. Is he stalking me? Maybe it is the government? This is scary - this person is on EVERY TIME I check.

Wait a minute. Every time?

Yeah . . . it's me. My work IP address location is in Virginia. Duh. Just another blonde moment.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh... I'm sure big brother is watching, but sneaky enough for you not to be able to confirm it. (Joking, I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all)

Floyd said...

You're thinking just what they want you to think.